Excerpt from Desiderata
Max Ehrmann c.1920
I love this little section of Max Ehrmann's Desiderata. Recently I asked my niece, who takes achingly beautiful pictures, if she could send a few vertically oriented nature scenes (very specific.) She sent three along with the above square house shot. It was serendipitous. We hadn't discussed the poem. I keep meaning to ask her what made her include this lovely, but I'm sure on some level she just knew I needed it.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
This can seem daunting at times, but with practice, it becomes second nature.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
This is important! It is vital first to know your truth and then do not deny it! When your words don't match you emotions, you are betraying yourself.
and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.
Ah, listen! Really listen without judging or without thinking about what's for lunch or what you are going to say next. Turn to face the person and listen to what they have to say, even if you don't agree with it and even if you find it tedious. We all deserve to be heard.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations of the spirit.
Amen! You've heard the expression "garbage in, garbage out"? When you surround yourself with peace and beauty it is much easier to maintain a positive outlook. Obviously, you can't completely isolate yourself from "loud and aggressive persons", but do try to limit your exposure.
I've been thinking that I sure would like to create a community here on this little blog. I'm notorious for reading blogs and not contributing (that applies to about 99% of blog readers.) But if you are looking for an open and supportive group with whom to share your triumphs and tremors, leave a little comment. I think you'll be in good company here.
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