Sunday, September 30, 2012

Let's just lean into this, okay?

I've been asked so many times how I practice meditation.  I have a lot of great attributes, but effective communication?  Not one of them.  I typically either respond "Just sit still and empty your mind" (vague, nebulous, and seemingly impossible) or I excitedly splurt out enough disjointed facts, antidotes, and statistics to send folks running for the door.  I'm sorry.  From now on, I'll just refer those questions here.

The purpose of this blog is to provide friends of whatever faith (or no faith) tools to help cultivate inner peace.  Our lives move at such a crazy pace.  We are always expected to be "on", always expected to be productive.  We run ourselves ragged trying to be the best mother/father, entrepreneur, employee, room parent, party planner, chef, gardener, etc. and on top of it, we have to be photo-ready at any given moment because someone is bound to have a blasted smart phone and might post our super success, huge flop, or meh? mediocrity on Facebook!  It's exhausting.  It leaves us drained, rushed, and rarely present for what matters most.

We all crave a little corner of peace; a sanctuary from the tugging on our sleeve, the nagging in our brain, and the heaviness in our hearts.  We all need little space to rest.  The good news is that when you begin to practice silence, it grows.  The peace will spread.  You will find it not only on your cushion (meditation-speak for when your practicing) but in every aspect of your day.**I'm not gonna lie, it doesn't necessarily happen over night.  There will be frustrations, there will be times you think your chattering mind will overtake your sanity, and you will probably feel like it would be easier to give up.  Don't.  You're not crazy, you're normal.  We'll cover all that.** There, full disclosure.

My mother-in-law says it's always best to start something new on a Monday.  It's a fresh new week, full of possibilities, and we're more likely to stick with something if it has a formal beginning.  So, how about joining me for 31 days of leaning into peace?  We don't have to run off to an ashram, give up coffee or twist our bodies into pretzels. Let's just make a commitment to show up 5 or 10 minutes a day for 31 days and see how it feels.

I created a super-rudimentary tracker you can print to give yourself a little smile each day and watch your habit grow.

Leaning into Peace Tracker

Feel free to leave comments or questions here.  You can also find "Leaning into peace" on Facebook, but honestly, I haven't figured out how to link:\

1 comment:

  1. you go girl, I'll do my best to keep up....I've made so many positive changes in my life in the last 8 weeks...this will make me better too.
